Whistleblower Portal

Welcome to the whistleblower page of Dr. Johannes Dilling, attorney at law. Please read the following instructions for whistleblowers carefully and then decide whether or how you would like to pass on your information.

1. Please read:

Please inform attorney Dr. Dilling,

  • at which company or part of the company he is responsible for as ombudsman
  • what
  • when
  • where
  • with which participants


Dr. Dilling is also interested in the knowledge of other persons - who may not be directly involved in the specific actions - and whether there are any documents (e.g. e-mails, photos) on this subject. You can also upload such documents as files via this web portal.

Please check carefully whether the information you provide is correct. In particular, you must not provide any information that you know to be false.

If you are not sure, please use phrases such as "I believe...", "I think it is possible...". In case of uncertainties in the presentation, the evaluation and/or the procedure, you can talk to Dr. Dilling about the case beforehand - also anonymously - and free of charge.

The information provided is checked for plausibility by attorney Dr. Dilling, processed and forwarded to the company in the form of a confidential report. The company then decides whether to have the information examined internally or, if necessary, pass it on to external bodies such as the public prosecutor's office. These investigations can represent a particular burden for the company, but also for the persons concerned. This also applies if suspicious facts do not prove to be true. Therefore, we ask you to carefully check in advance whether the information you provide is correct.

No attorney-client relationship between the whistleblower or whistleblower and attorney Dr. Dilling arises with the issuance of a notice. This relationship exists only between Dr. Dilling and the respective company which Dr. Dilling has appointed as compliance ombudsman. Nevertheless, Dr. Dilling agrees with each of these companies that they irrevocably waive the right to be informed of the whistleblower's identity if the whistleblower wants to remain anonymous.

You do not need to disclose your personal data when you issue the notice. You can therefore remain anonymous. Even if you tell Dr. Dilling who you are, you can demand that Dr. Dilling does not disclose your identity to the company concerned. This has been agreed with every company that Dr. Dilling serves as a compliance ombudsman. You should take care not to disclose any information that might allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity when issuing the notice.

Protected communication for whistleblowers

If you want to be absolutely sure that third parties cannot access the communication between you and Attorney Dr. Dilling, you can use the Signal Messenger, which ensures effective end-to-end encryption.

Further communication in case of anonymity

If you wish to remain anonymous, you should nevertheless give Dr. Dilling the opportunity to ask questions about the case at a later date.

The following can be considered for this

  • setting up a special e-mail address just for this case or
  • using ProtonMAIL for secure and encrypted e-mail communication or
  • using a prepaid mobile phone, possibly in combination with the Signal Messenger or
  • Threema.

You can also use this web portal to tell Dr. Dilling one-sidedly how, when and where you can be reached.

Dr. Dilling is also available for personal meetings with the whistleblower.

Data protection

If you provide personal data, these will be protected in accordance with the existing statutory provisions. Please refer to the existing privacy policy.

2. Make a report

Please select the channel best suited for you to make a report:

No mandatory information, you can also provide the information anonymously.
In particular, if you would like to remain anonymous, we would like to ask you to let us know how we can contact you if you have any questions. We recommend ”Protonmail” if you want to continue to communicate securely and anonymously by email.
Please choose whether you want us to contact you!
You can submit the notice in any language.

If you would like to contact me by e-mail and pass on a message, please use the following e-mail address:


In order to maintain maximum anonymity, please use a VPN connection if possible.

An anonymous and secure alternative to traditional e-mail traffic is offered by the provider ProtonMail (www.protonmail.com) from Switzerland. 

No personal data are required to create an account. ProtonMail does not create IP protocols that can be assigned to your anonymous account. Furthermore, the provider uses, among other things, end-to-end encryption to protect your messages. This means that even ProtonMail can't decrypt and read your messages. As a result, the company cannot share the encrypted emails with third parties. Since ProtonMail stores all user data on Swiss servers, they are protected by the strict Swiss data protection law.

If you would like to contact me via this way, please set up your own account, which is also possible free of charge, and send your message to this address: RADilling@protonmail.com

If you want to use Signal's secure end-to-end encryption, use the free app or account via Desktop and contact me on Signal using my mobile number:

+49 (0)163 3476 111

With Signal, you also have the option of uploading data and passing it on to me.

Please note that the telephone number with which you log in to Signal is visible to other Signal users. If you want to protect your anonymity at this point as well, you should look for possibilities for short-term/prepaid alternatives that allow anonymity, or, for example, use the alternative Threema. If you are using Signal from your desktop, use a Tor browser, which you can download here, and a VPN connection.

If you want to contact me via Threema, use the paid app or an account via Desktop and use my following Threema ID to contact me:


Threema also gives you the opportunity to forward attachments to me.

When using Threema, please note that the source code is not visible to the public - as is the case with open source variants such as Signal - and therefore it is not possible to trace where the data may be viewed. As a rule, Threema is rated as a secure channel. 

If you want to reach me directly by phone, please use the following number:

+49 163 3476 111

Please note that the security of ordinary telephone calls through providers is not under your or my control.

If you would like to send me something anonymously by post, please send your documents or parcel to the following address:

Dilling Rechtsanwaltskanzlei
Landgrafenstraße 49
D-50931 Köln, Germany

I will treat your delivery with the utmost confidentiality. 

If you would like to meet me personally in order to make a report, I am also available for this purpose. Please contact me via one of the channels above to arrange a meeting point. Here, too, I assure the greatest possible confidentiality.

3. Externe Meldestellen

Hinweisgebende Personen können Informationen über Verstöße wahlweise auch an externe Meldestellen melden.

Externe Meldestellen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Externe Meldestelle ist grundsätzlich das

Bundesamt für Justiz
Adenauerallee 99-103
53113 Bonn.

Zuständige externe Meldestelle für Meldungen über Verstöße gegen § 4d FinDAG, einschließlich Meldungen über Verstöße, die Vorschriften des Wertpapiererwerbs- und Übernahmegesetzes betreffen, sowie für Meldungen über Verstöße gegen Rechtsvorschriften des Bundes und der Länder sowie unmittelbar geltende Rechtsakte der Europäischen Union und der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft

  • zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung, unter Einschluss insbesondere des Geldwäschegesetzes und der Verordnung (EU) 2015/847 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 20. Mai 2015 über die Übermittlung von Angaben bei Geldtransfers und zur Aufhebung der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1781/2006 (ABl. L 141 vom 5.6.2015, S. 1), die durch die Verordnung (EU) 2019/ 2175 (ABl. L 334 vom 27.12.2019, S. 1) geändert worden ist, in der jeweils geltenden Fassung, soweit die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht zuständige Behörde im Sinne des § 50 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 oder Nr. 2 GwG ist;
  • zur Regelung der Rechte von Aktionären von Aktiengesellschaften;
  • zur Abschlussprüfung bei Unternehmen von öffentlichem Interesse nach § 316a S. 2 HGB sowie
  • zur Rechnungslegung einschließlich der Buchführung von Unternehmen, die kapitalmarktorientiert im Sinne des § 264d HGB sind, von Kreditinstituten im Sinne des § 340 Abs. 1 HGB, Finanzdienstleistungsinstituten im Sinne des § 340 Abs. 4 S. 1 HGB, Wertpapierinstituten im Sinne des § 340 Abs. 4a S. 1 HGB, Instituten im Sinne des § 340 Abs. 5 S. 1 HGB, Versicherungsunternehmen im Sinne des § 341 Absatz 1 HGB und Pensionsfonds im Sinne des § 341 Abs. 4 S. 1 HGB,

ist die

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn.

Wettbewerbswidrige Verhaltensweisen, namentlich Verstöße gegen

  • die Artikel 101 und 102 AEUV;
  • die in § 81 Abs. 2 Nr. 1, 2 lit. a), Nr. 5 sowie Abs. 3 GWB genannten Rechtsvorschriften sowie
  • Vorschriften der Verordnung (EU) 2022/1925 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 14. September 2022 über bestreitbare und faire Märkte im digitalen Sektor und zur Änderung der Richtlinien (EU) 2019/1937 und (EU) 2020/1828 (Gesetz über digitale Märkte) (ABl. L 265 vom 12.10.2022, S. 1)

können hinweisgebende Personen an die hierfür zuständige externe Meldestelle

Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 16
53113 Bonn

melden – und zwar jederzeit und unabhängig vom Ausgang eines Verfahrens über eine interne Meldung.

Externe Meldestellen der Europäischen Union

Mögliche Betrugsfälle oder sonstige schwerwiegende Unregelmäßigkeiten mit potenziell negativen Auswirkungen zu Lasten von EU-Mitteln können Sie – auf Wunsch auch anonym – bei dem Europäischen Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung (OLAF) melden:

Europäische Kommission
Europäisches Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung (OLAF)
B-1049 Brüssel

Mögliche Verstöße, welche die Sicherheit des Seeverkehrs betreffen, können Sie der Europäischen Agentur für die Sicherheit des Seeverkehrs (EMSA) melden:

European Maritime Safety Agency
Praça‎ Europa 4
Cais do Sodré
1249-206 Lissabon

Mögliche Verstöße im Bereich der Flugsicherheit können Sie – auch vertraulich – der Europäischen Agentur für Flugsicherheit (EASA) melden:

European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3
D-50668 Köln

Mögliche Verstöße in den Bereichen OGAW/UCIT, Ratingagenturen, Transaktionsregister, Verbriefungsregister und Benchmarks können Sie der Europäischen Wertpapier- und Marktaufsichtsbehörde (ESMA) melden:

European Securities and Markets Authority
201-203 rue de Bercy
CS 80910
F-75589 Paris Cedex 12

Mögliche Verstöße auf dem Gebiet der Arzneimittelsicherheit können Sie der Europäischen Arzneimittel-Agentur (EMA) melden:

European Medicines Agency
Domenico Scarlattilaan 6
NL-1083 HS Amsterdam